#8 Jocko Podcast - Work Hard and Be Useful - Arnold Schwarzenegger
We don't have kings and queens in America, but we had you, I guess.
I never like to look back because there's really not much in it for me. I always like to look forward
I was absolutely convinced that I'm going to win
You know what kind of a great feeling that is that you never have to worry
You're making a big mistake to always look for “comfort”
If we can overcome all this obstacles, then we get strong, and we can endure much more, and we look at the world totally differently, and we don't whine about every little thing
When you do hard things together, it brings you closer
It's leadership at home that is missing a lot of times
When journalists came to the gym and said “you're the only one that is always smiling and having a good time in the gym.” I said “well, I have a good reason to smile because every time I go to the gym, I get one step closer to winning that Mr. Olympia title, winning the Mr. Universe title.” So to me it was like: one step closer, one step closer, one step closer
One of the rules in the book also is – don't listen to the naysayers
If we hadn’t had Schwarzenegger, we would have had to build one
The key thing is that we know where we're going, no matter how difficult it is, we got to know where we going
You got to have a vision
You have to find out what you are going to do. Forget about everyone else, let's find out what you're going to do. This is why I say “find your passion, find the place where you want to go, no matter how difficult it is” and it makes it fun then to chase after that vision
If you don't know where you're going, you're going to fail.
If you have a very clear vision, and you're absolutely convinced and have the faith in Your Vision, then all the work that you need to do becomes easier because there's a purpose for it
Early to bed
Early to rise
Work like hell
And advertise
There are still things that you have to figure out for yourself in order to really get good at things and really reach your potential and reach all of your goals
There are guidelines you can follow in this book but you're going to have to make adjustments to make it work for you
The first chapter – you talk about looking in the mirror, looking in your eyes, and telling yourself the truth, you got to look in the mirror and see who you are. And the last chapter is – break the mirrors and don't focus on yourself, help other people up. The way that's tied together in the book, it takes a person through their life, when you're young you're focused on “what can I do” and then you're looking at yourself, you got to tell yourself the truth, you got to figure out what your vision is, but then eventually you get to a point where you got to smash that mirror, and you look to help other people, and that's really what you've done with your life
First thing is look in the mirror, look in the mirror, see yourself for who you really are, something I talk about a lot, you got to tell yourself the truth, so look in the mirror look at yourself in the eyes and tell yourself the truth, who are you, are you doing what you should be doing, are you working hard enough to become who you know you should become. So that's number one – look in the mirror. Then number two – smash that mirror. Smash that mirror, stop focusing on yourself, and see what you can give, see who you can help, and what you give, you will get back. It's not about you, so go out there, get after it, and be useful.
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