#7 Simon Sinek Masterclass - The Key Steps To Finding Your Purpose


I'm not going to go preach to a brick wall, there's literally no point, there has to be at least somebody in there who has interest.

Very few of us can clearly articulate why we do what we do. Why did you get out of bed this morning?

We start telling people what we do. The great leaders start telling you what they believe and what they do simply serves as tangible proof of what they believe.

The neocortex which is our Homo Sapiens brain it's the newest part of our brain, it's responsible for all of our rational thought and language. The limbic part of our brain is responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty; this is where gut decisions come from. It's also responsible for all our behavior but it has no capacity for language which is why it's hard to put feelings into words, this is why we use analogies and metaphors all the time.

The thing you give to the world, that is your why.

Like is rational. Love is emotional.

That's the problem with keeping negative feelings to yourself, they fester and grow. It got to the point where I was in a really dark place, but all of my energy went into pretending that I was happier, more in control, and more successful than I really felt so nobody knew. It wasn't until a very dear friend of mine came to me and said there's something wrong, I don't know what it is but something's off, and for whatever reason I opened up and came clean and it was cathartic. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders – all of that energy that went into lying hiding and faking every day. Now I had new energy, renewed, energy to actually find a solution.

Knowing your WHY does not take away the doubt and the fear and the bad days and the insecurities. It helps me understand the times when things went well, why they went well, it helps me understand the times that things went badly, why they went badly, and it helps you make choices so that I put myself in a position of strength more often than not.

Everything comes at a cost.

I acknowledge the costs, but I look for the benefits.

My grandfather showed me that you have permission to be your own weirdo self, even if other people won't get you. He just didn't give a shit what people thought about him.

I have ADHD. I don’t like reading books and I actually don't read a lot. I like to joke that I’ve actually written more books than I’ve read.

I live for the desire to spread a message in a way that I can die with confidence that other people carry the torch without me.

There was a time where your word was it, and you wouldn't violate your word because then if people knew that you violated your word, no one would want to do business with you.

If you're willing to put aside your own interests, ego, ambition because somebody else is struggling then that to me is honorable.

I have one expectation of you, whether you stay with stay with this company for a short-term or a long-term, I expect you to leave here a better version of yourself than when you started.

If you could give one piece of advice to a young Simon, what would you say? “You don't have to know every answer and you don't have to pretend you do.”

Authenticity means – the things that I say and the things that I do reflect who I actually am.

Human beings are, despite our own self opinions, not that strong and we're not that smart; but in teams and groups we're amazing. Trying to solve your own life problems, you can't.

If you choose to be high performing by yourself, it comes at a cost that I think is not worth it.

You don't have strengths or weaknesses; you have characteristics and attributes. And in the right contexts, those things are strengths and in the wrong context those things are weaknesses.

You have to get used to the idea that not everybody's going to like you.

It's very difficult being a human being. Cats don't have to work very hard to be cats. But humans have to work very hard to be humans.

Get over yourself.

When you live a high-performance life for the benefit of others, it's infinite, you can do it forever and it's rewarding.

If somebody shows curiosity for the ideas of somebody else, then and only then are they open to your ideas. Only if you show interest and you make somebody else feel seen and heard and understood, then they want to return the favor by making you feel seen and heard and understood.

The courageous friends are the ones who will lean into that tension and go “I don't care what you say and I know you're lying to me and I know something's wrong and I'm going to keep asking you until you tell me and more importantly whatever it is ‘I got you, I love you, you're safe,’ I don't know what it is and I don't care what it is. Just know that I'm your partner and you are never alone.”

I regularly call myself an idiot.

If people didn't like me because they disagreed with me, I was okay with that, and if people didn't like me because they're intimidated by something I said or did, I was okay with that; but if somebody that I respected didn't like me, I have a problem, I have to take accountability, and I'm doing something wrong.

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#8 Jocko Podcast - Work Hard and Be Useful - Arnold Schwarzenegger


#6 Jim Rohn - Keys to good communication