#6 Jim Rohn - Keys to good communication
Set a goal that'll make you stretch that far for what it will make of you to achieve it.
Don't join an easy crowd, you won't grow, go where the expectations are high.
Don't sell out, don't compromise your values, don't compromise your virtues.
Wages help you make a living; profits help you make a fortune.
Set up the ideal and then start making progress toward it.
Let not one appetite accuse another.
Nothing more magical and powerful than words have the ability to dramatically affect people's lives and futures.
Turn frustration into fascination if you can. You’ll learn more.
Why not add to your vocabulary so you can see more, see better, and express better, put out in words what's in your heart, what's in your soul, what's in your mind.
The basis of affecting people with good communication – well-chosen words mixed with measured emotion.
Tears don’t mean anything unless they’re accompanied by a broken heart.
Ants never quit. If they're going somewhere and you stop them, guess what, they'll look for another way. How long will they look? Till they find it.
Ants think winter all summer.
You got to do battle with the enemies on the outside and on the inside.
It's called a life-changing day, the day you say enough is enough.
Resolve means promising yourself you will never give up.
Help people with their lives, not just their jobs. Help your kids with their lives, not just their homework.
If you work on your gifts, they will make room for you.
The greatest value in life is not what you get, the greatest value in life is what you become.
Set the kind of goals that will make something of you to achieve them.
The greatest source of unhappiness is self-unhappiness.
No school, no class, no teacher can teach character better than the simple act of generosity.
Touch something, leave it better than you found it.
It's not the amount, it's what it represents of your life that counts.
Words can work miracles. Words create light.
The more you care the stronger you can be.
Negative is not to be ignored, it's to be mastered.
Welcome all experiences, you never know which one is going to turn everything on
Don't put up the walls, the same wall that keeps out disappointment keeps out happiness.
Keys to good communication:
1. Have something good to say. Communication starts with preparation. Interest. Fascination.
2. Be touched and moved. Remember the pit you come from. Remember your own difficulties.
3. Say it well. Sincerity. Repetition. Gravity. [you don’t need many words if you’re sincere]
4. There is a relationship between vocabulary and behavior. The more limited the vocabulary, the more tendency to poor behavior. Words are a way of seeing and if you don’t have a good vocabulary, you can’t see very well.
5. Read your audience. Study the face. Study the body. Read by what you see. Read by what you hear. Read by what you feel. Pick up the signals, don’t ignore the signals.
6. Intensity. Words mixed with emotion, words mixed with hate, words mixed with love, words mixed with faith, words mixed with courage, that's what's powerful. Put more of you into what you say, don't be casual in language.
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