#42 – Tim Grover – Valuetainment



If I can't do it, let me figure out a way, let me educate myself so I can help others stay injury-free, become better athletes, make better decisions, become the top of their game

I knew what I wanted to do was to work with professional athletes. That was the goal that I set in my mind. That was the only thing that I wanted to do, and I had to figure out a way to get there. So, I started and learned my craft better than anybody else

Nowadays, because people have all this vast information and there's so much information available, there's so much help out there that everyone's always looking for somebody else to figure out stuff that you should be able to figure out yourself

When I choose a client, they have to be as messed up as I am, they have to be addicted to being great

You should not walk into a room and ever be the smartest person in there

I wanted to be the best at what I do, they wanted to be the best at what they do. It was an attraction, it attracts. And those are the people that allow you to push them, and they understand that they want to get better, they don't need to be motivated

You gotta tell them to leave. You don't have to tell them to show up. They are always driven

How many employees do you have? Now we got 4200 agents. If you put them all in the room, you'd have 4200 people in here from 9:00 to 5:00 o'clock, after 5:00 o'clock you may have 500, after 7 o'clock you may have 200, after 9:00 o'clock you may have 5, and then guess what, at the end of the day there's gonna be 1 light left on, and maybe it’s yours and somebody else's. That person is as fucked up as you are, but you can count on them, you can count on that individual

The best-of-the-best wanted to get even better

I don't come across as an expert at what he does, I come in as an expert and what I do

A lot of individuals, especially in this generation, not only from a training standpoint but from a knowledge standpoint, they're jumping from one thing to another. They're using this trainer this week, they're using another trainer next week, they're using this person as a mentor on YouTube, then they're using this person over here, and they're getting all this conflicting information. You got to master what you're going to master. Too many people are jumping from place to place. Michael, Kobe, all these individuals, they mastered one aspect of the game. When they mastered that aspect of the game, then they moved to another aspect of the game

I don't pay you to train me, I pay you not to train anybody else

A “cooler” is an individual that's good at what they do. You give them a job to do, they get the job done. The results are what you expect. There's nothing great, nothing exceptional, it's adequate.

A “closer” is an individual that gives you those exceptional results as long as you give them a game plan and as long as too many variables aren't thrown at them.

And then we have the “cleaner.” This person is gonna get you that end result over and over again, and they are going to elevate everybody around them. He or she is gonna raise their game, and he's gonna deliver that result numerous times, no matter what's thrown at them, no matter what variable is thrown at them

When you see somebody's productivity at work fluctuate up and down, it usually has nothing to do with what's going on at work, it's usually what's going on in that person’s life

All of this can be learnt

Everyone's gonna hit adversity. It's how you deal with that adversity. And the key word is “you.” Not letting somebody else deal with that adversity, you have to deal with an adversity, and how you deal with it? Are you gonna fight through it? Or are you gonna curl up and just roll over in the corner?

At some point you got to start winning, you can't always look for other people to help you, other people got their own problems, they got their own shit to deal with, they're trying to achieve their own goals. They are willing to assist you, but after a while, if you are constantly looking for a system, constantly looking for help, it's on you. Your failure and your success is on you

To be able to take a reaction and turn it into a reflex, that's what the greatest can do. Most people react to things, for the greatest it's an instinct, it's impulsive

Give me the ball, just get the hell out the way, I'm winning this game

If I get to this spot, I don't care if there's 10 hands in front of me, if I get to this spot, the shot is going in because I’ve done it before over and over again

Your obligation to yourself has to be greater than anybody else's obligation to you

Your obligation to yourself, to be the best, to achieve the highest level, has to be greater. The pressure you put on yourself has to exceed anybody else's pressure that is put on you

The hardest thing to do is to elevate everybody else around you

We're not fucking born with greatness, you earn greatness

You got to fight like hell to get the paradise

You trust very few people and those you trust better never let you down

Other people tell you “surround yourself with positive people.” You know what that means? That means lie to my fucking face so I can feel good about myself, that's what that means. You need to surround yourself with people that tell you the fucking truth. When you fucked up, they tell you that you fucked up. You made a bad decision, now you got to go fix it

The pursuit to try to get better every single day, regardless of what everybody else was saying

I don't recognize failure. There's more than one way to get what you want. We're all gonna fail at something. Everyone's failed at something, but it's only a failure if you decided it to be a failure

I have to add something new to my game every single year. This is what separates the Greats from everybody else

Everyone has talents, but do you have the intelligence that goes with that talent?

The talent has to come with the intelligence, and the intelligence has to come with the competitiveness

When things go bad, when all the shit starts to come in, when everybody's pulling you in different directions telling you “you can't do this,” you need to have the resiliency to show them that you can

Talent, intelligence, competitiveness, resiliency, combined together. You can’t be successful if you don’t have all these four traits. If you've missing one of those pieces, you need to find it, because you'll never get to where you want to be without them

You don't have to love what you do, you gotta be addicted to what you do. You got to be addicted to winning. Just like failure is an addiction. Winning is also an addiction

You got to work smarter, and you got to work harder. You gotta do both

You have to be obsessive, you have to be addicted, you have to be disciplined. Everyone else is looking for other individuals to do stuff for them. Stop looking for help from everybody else. It starts and it ends with you. Your identity starts and ends with you. Nobody else has changed your identity, you change your fucking identity

Success magnifies who you really are. If you're a prick when you had no money, you're a bigger prick when you have money. If you were charitable when you didn't have money, you're gonna be more charitable when you have money

You have a dark side that refuses to be taught to be good. Everybody's got a dark side. Everyone says that dark side is bad. It's not about being bad. It's about something that's unique to you, it's what fuels you, it's your desires, it's your ego, it's your greed, it's what separates you, it's what lights your fire. Instead of having somebody else light your fire, the dark side keeps your fire lit. It's something that's unique to that individual, to you, that pushes you, that nobody understands, only you understand it. When it gets out of control, it can destroy you. But the individuals that can control it, harness it, acknowledge it, know how to use it, it takes them to a completely different level

Everybody can handle pressure. Most people decide not to

Stress is just pressure you won't deal with. If you don't deal with a pressure situation, another pressure situation comes, and another one comes, and another one comes, now you're dealing with stress. So every day you got to deal with something that you don't want to do and deal with it first

There's never a good time for the truth but the truth needs to be heard

A problem is only a problem when you decide not to deal with it

When everyone is hitting that in case them an emergency button, they are looking for you

The emergency buttons are the individuals who don't count the days, they make the days count

Circumstances bring extreme competitiveness and confidence out of an individual. You want to see how tough an individual is? Put them under a pressure situation, see how they're gonna deliver

You don't compete with anyone, you find your opponent's weakness and you attack

Dreams want to live just like everybody else, and if you don't bring them to life, somebody else will. They're gonna jump from your head right into somebody else's head, and that person is gonna bring those dreams to life. And you're gonna be sitting back there, thinking “man, I could have, I should have, I would have…” You had your chance, so you got to deliver, you got to take action

There's nothing smooth about the way I do things. I'm not that soft side of the sponge. I’m that other side of the sponge that you use when you got to scrape the dirt off. That's what I do

When you're addicted to the results, you’d rather have individuals around that are there to educate you, not entertain you

You'd rather be feared than liked

How do you make your muscles grow? Through resistance, you lift weights, you want them to grow bigger, you add more resistance. It's the same thing in business, it's the same thing in life, it's the same thing from a mental standpoint. You have to add resistance

Why is it worth it? Because the results are so fucking good

The stronger your mindset is, the greater your skill set is going to be

Adapt, adjust, and overcome

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#43 – Tim Ferris – Modern Wisdom Podcast


#41 – Story of Starbucks – Acquired Podcast