#34 - Warrior Kid Podcast 1
On top of being in good physical condition you have to be mentally strong as well, because you're gonna do things in life that are very uncomfortable
It's also important to remember that even though a lot of people quit the training, a lot of people make up through the training, and you can make it too if you want to, but you got to want it bad enough
What's the best food to eat?
There are kinds of foods that make you weak, and there are kinds of foods that make you strong
Not everyone has a person that reaches out to mentor them. So you're not always gonna have someone in your life that says “hey, I’ll show you the way, I’ll be your mentor.” But what's good is that you don't need someone that wants to be your mentor, you can learn from people without them even knowing that you're learning from them, without them knowing that they're your mentor. You can learn from them by watching what they do and trying to learn from the things that you see them do that are good
Find your mentors everywhere you look by observing and watching and learning from the people around you now, and from people throughout history by reading
If you have a great mentor or a great teacher, they won't always be there with you, and what you have to do is remind yourself of the lessons that you learned from them
You can write down some notes every night of what you did good that helps you stay on the right path, and things that you did wrong that took you off the path of being a warrior, and what you can do to get yourself back on the path, and the things that made you slip off a little bit, and that kind of reflection every day, writing down what you did right and what you wrong, what you did good and what you did bad, that will help you stay on the path
You don't need me for that anymore, as a matter of fact you never needed me. Sure, I showed you the path, but you could have found it on your own. You know what you need to do to stay on the warrior path: hard work, discipline, study, eat good food, keep your room and your gear in order, set new goals and work hard to meet them
You need to become a leader to help your friends learn to be stronger, and smarter, and better. Teach them to be the best they can be
To be good at things you actually have to practice, you have to try, you have to study, you have to do the work. That doesn't mean that you will be the best at something but if you work hard, you can definitely get better
Sometime when I was a kid, I lost my temper like most kids do, and kids need to learn to control that, because when you lose your temper, you make bad decisions, and you do things that you shouldn't do
• “Why do you think you look like a big baby?”
• I knew exactly where Uncle Jake was going with that question, and I knew exactly what the answer was so I told him – “because I’m acting like one”
You should always try and help and encourage people, but you also have to remember that sometimes people don't want to be encouraged, they just want to be left alone. So you have to pay attention when you're encouraging people to make sure you aren't annoying them too, and sometimes the best way to motivate people is just to do your best so that they see that hard work works
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