#30 - Grant Cardone 1 - London Real
I took a little canoe down the bayous to go to school
I grew up middle class. I mean we had a roof, and we had air-conditioner, and we had heater, and we had a car, and we had bicycles, but we had fear. There was tremendous fear in the environment. Fear of economics. The mechanic’s gonna take advantage of us, the plumber’s gonna take advantage of us, you didn't want to spend money. Everything was conservation
My dad died in February. My mom sold the house by March. We had this beautiful house, my dad had finally made it fully into the middle class, maybe even upper-middle class. 18 months after he bought his dream house he died. 15 days later the house was sold because she couldn't handle it. So at 10 years old I'm learning – a house is a liability. I didn't know this would play out later
I realized that a single-family home, just one door house, is not an asset, it's a liability
76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 64% of Americans that have businesses break even or lose money. “The land of the brave and the home of the free” that's our American anthem, but it's not even close to the truth. Most people don't have any money. They have accepted the fact that they don't have any money. They're fearful of money. Constantly they overspend. They don't know how to produce money. They definitely don't know how to multiply. It might be a world condition
My mom had her hands full. She didn't talk about money being a problem but we could see that. She was scared, clipping coupons
I wanted to be an adult since I was 6 when I saw that whoever had the money decided where we went. I wanted money. I wanted money because it appeared to me that whoever had the money had control of the environment
If you have kids, they are like a hard drive that is open to learning
My dad wanted to be rich. He never said that to me, but later I would find out that my dad wanted to be a wealthy man and he didn't get there. He fulfilled his obligation as a man to take care of his family, and his wife, and his kids, and be a good example to his parents. He didn't get the freedom part which he really wanted, and I think some of that might have been left in the environment for me to grab
When people are bored, they become problematic
Nobody starts using drugs thinking I'm gonna be a drug addict but within probably 2 years I was doing drugs every day
The rehab said that you have a disease. I don't know, I don't believe that some people have a disease. There's no test for the disease anyway. There are diseases now for everything that they have no test for, so I don't think it's a disease, or I was somehow picked to be a drug addict, or I have some DNA to be an entrepreneur. Me and Gary Vee had this conversation that some people have some special DNA. I said that's the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. That means some people can't be entrepreneurs which is not true. No, if you do drugs enough, it won't matter what your DNA is. You do anything enough, you go into a casino enough times, and play enough times, you'll become addicted
I was 25, I was as close to zero as a person can get, and I’d go lower than that
Time is now, be in a hurry, and if you punch on anything long enough, you could actually change things. I punch persistently like life did to me. I’ve learned to punch back. Banging your head against the wall until the wall breaks
That guy was always there, the guy I am today was always there, you could not kill him with drugs
The guy that can throw himself all into something, the drug addict, you want that guy. You want that guy because that's the guy that makes things happen, that guy is relentless. You want that. You want that but rehab wants to get rid of that. They want to keep you happy early, they think that a guy is the problem. That guy's not the problem, the drugs were the problem. The lack of self-esteem was a problem. The boredom was the problem. Boredom is the drug you need to avoid because that's where people start making bad choices. Typically, they don't become a drug addict, they become a consumer of garbage, they waste time, they consume excuses
My mom had this little business going on. She was trying to run this little business, and I walked in, I was all sloppy, loaded, and she's like “I'm done, don't come here anymore. You’re not welcomed here anymore. This might be the last time we see each other.” I was in a treatment center 30 days later
The only thing that made me hit rock bottom was that everyone abandoned me. I went saw a bunch of them in New York recently at first time in 16 years, and I'm like “thank you” because you told me basically “fuck you” by getting out of my life, and it showed me that it's no longer acceptable. That was the only thing that would make me know that something was wrong
The number of times I quit, and I couldn't quit, and then started again. You start like losing any sense of self-respect
I wonder if the treatment centers aren't just adding to the problem. I know the intention is good but most of them today are producing a different kind of drug addict with pharmaceuticals
I came back and I started working. I just threw my addiction into work. I needed something to throw into. So I said I have to stay busy. Time is my enemy, time is my problem. When there's too much time, Grant goes freaking nuts
Mentors can be a problem as much as a lift. He says, “you've just replaced one addiction for another one – work.” “Oh shit, does that make you a genius? Of course I have, dude. I gotta replace this free time with something. I was using drugs ten hours a day, I’d better replace it with some energy”
Work is a gift from God. Many people think it's a chore. When I hear people talk about the 4-hour workweek, and the idea that you won't work for anyone, that you can't have a job, it just kills me. I don't like the 4-hour workweek concept because it tries to engineer you out of doing something. It's disgusting to me. It's disgusting that anybody would want to outsource everything
How arrogant to say that you wouldn't do something you don't want to do
It doesn't matter what I want to do. What's my purpose, what's my potential, and am I willing to work toward that?
It's taken me 30 years to find any kind of success
I was in five sales jobs. I was a disaster at all of them. Absolutely hated it. “But now you're the master of sales.” I embraced the things I was bad at it
When you commit to something little gifts just start automatically showing up. It's a phenomenal thing. It's happened my whole career. When I fully commit, somebody will bring me something. If you ask for help and somebody shows up at the door, maybe let invite them in
I removed the trickery, and basically made transparency and the authenticity in sales the way to service people
Money in many situations can actually increase the sensitivity to the lack of self
I never knew how poor I was until I started making a little bit of money
Who do you think works harder? He's convinced he works harder than any person in the world. I said “yeah, well, good, but who gets more done, who monetizes more faster?” These are the bigger questions, not who works harder. It's not about making a mess, or doing a bunch of work, or looking all raggedy at the end of the day. It's how much can you get done with time
I want to give money away, I want to raise a lot of money, you can't do that if you're broke
Sympathy is not going to feed you
Everyone living below your potential, you're probably poor
Americans are like – we can't do the class thing here, if we do it, we got to get that middle class right to feel good about themselves, so they don't do what they did to the French, chop their heads off. So give them the cars and the over-leveraged homes, make them feel like they're rich but they're not, let's give them homes, let's give them cars, let’s indebt them, give him a good job, give him a good office, big watches, and we got slaves… but they feel good about it
When I was 30 years old, I saw the sales process that is terrible for everybody, it's terrible for the user, the sales guy that's got to lie, not answer questions, that's lying man, it's terrible for the customer, ultimately it's gonna be terrible for the industry, it slows everything down
Why should I want to spend a long time getting a job done?
Marketplace disciplines the undisciplined
I really recommend people who start in a second business that it shouldn't be separated. It should be like ‘hand in glove’ and they really should fit together
It's a selfish decision to have a home. Most people shouldn't buy a home, no one should. Homes were not built for people, homes were built for banks. The bank created that product to sell money. You can't just loan people money, you need a product in between
“Everybody should have a home”, they grinned “everybody should have a home, right?” We should call it something like “the American Dream”. I can't just call it a house. Everyone should have one. They got the politicians behind it, yes everyone should have one, and then what they did was – basically those homes were built for banks. Because who made all the money on the homes, wasn't even the Builder, certainly wasn’t the homeowner, it was always the banks
If the business doesn't produce positive cash flow, I'm not going to do the business
Cash sitting in a bank today is selfish
I want people complaining, I want people to hate me, at least you know me, at least you have an opinion about me. But not knowing me means I'm not in the game, I'm not even in the stadium, I want things to happen around me
Bank of America will lend me money to buy real estate, but they won't lend me money to buy their own stock
Twice a year I'm gonna go broke, I accumulate cash once. I get a certain amount I start looking for a place for that money to go. It's gonna go into a real asset, illiquid is good, not bad. I don't want liquidity, I don't want money. Illiquid is good because it's in an asset, I don't want access to the money. They say “cash is king”, cash is garbage
What is true about real estate all over the world is the people that live in the local area never changed the real estate landscape because they're looking in the rearview mirror. They say “I can't pay that price for it because I could have bought it years ago for less.” Then the new guy comes in town that says “I'm buying it all”
People are trying to invest too soon. They're like “I got five grand, I put in crypto.” No, you should not, you don't have any money to risk. You put the five grand in you. I don’t think you have any money, you're broke so invest in yourself. Just keep investing in yourself until you actually have the ability, until the marketplace proves that you have the ability to produce money over and over again. The individual needs to know “I have the ability to reproduce money.” Why do people save money? Because they're worried. Why do they save for a rainy day? Because they're scared, they're not confident that they can make more money, they're not confident that they can create more income and hold on to it
How fast can I work? Compress time. Time is money
I remember sitting in front of a therapist once, he's like “your problem is that you're never satisfied.” No shit. I said, well… why is that a problem?
Thinking about 50 things at one time that's not a disease, it's a gift
Something beautiful comes out of the experience, out of the effort
I'm not gonna burn out. I'm not a candle
Worldwide, the entrepreneur makes 20 thousand dollars in the US than if he had worked for somebody else. On average your business is gonna die in about seven years if you even make it that long
You shouldn't be in a business if it can’t scale
I do not teach or recommend or tell anybody to do anything I don't have personal experience in
If you're saying the same things when you're 50 that you said when you were 20, then you didn't learn anything
My nine-year-old asked, she said “you know, your mother would be very proud of you.” That’s strong…
If anybody's dumb in that relationship, it's the parent not the kid
What scares me? Not fulfilling, not doing as much as I could do
The safest place in the arena it's on the field
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