#25 - 19 Harsh Truths About Human Nature - Alex Hormozi
So many lives would transform overnight if they realized “my life sucks, I have nothing going on for me” really means “I have nothing to lose” and that makes me a very dangerous person
You get rich by taking lots of risks with small amounts of money, and you stay rich by taking small amounts of risk with lots money
If you’re succeeding at the job that you hate, imagine how good you’d be at a job that you loved
They live all of their lives or live out all of the potential downside in the mere reflection of what other people will think about them in the future should they fail
Will your belief that you're going to be viewed as a failure by your uncle be the sole reason that you live the rest of your life below your potential and regret everything that you don't do because of Uncle Harry?
Confidence without competence is self-delusion
Shame only exists in the shadows
People who are most successful, it's not that they necessarily have more willpower, they find other ways to reward themselves. The more skills you have, the more ways you have to reward yourself. The more ways you track, the more ways you can win, and those little micro wins can keep you going over the long game.
If your life sucks, the easiest thing is to change your environment. It's better to change your environment than to even do anything else because what happens is you eliminate all the triggers and cues that are associated with The Habit that you're trying to destroy. Behavior matches the environment. If you just don't get triggered, you don't get the cue for the behavior, it just gets extinguished.
Most distractions come dressed as easy opportunities.
Success comes down to doing the obvious thing for an extraordinary period of time without convincing yourself you're smarter than you are
You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything
Specialize in project, generalize in skill
You don’t buy confidence by shouting out affirmations in the mirror but by having an undeniable stack of proof that you are who you are. Competence without confidence is a lack of belief, confidence without competence is self-delusion. Action before belief.
Opportunities only look like opportunities in the rearview mirror, today they look like risk
Most output for the least amount of input
Whenever I get to a low point where I think “why do I even bother” I just remind myself – this is where most people stop and this is why they don't win
Building a business is hard, hard feels shitty, this is what hard feels like, and this is why most people can't do it, but you can
Most of the pain people experience is purely in their minds
Burnout is when your output per unit of time decreases
… and?
I don't have to deserve the success, I can still just do the stuff that gets it
You stay in poverty until you learn the first lesson of poverty which is two words -- “my fault”
Don’t give the power of affecting your life to the people you hate
Power follows the blame finger. Point it at yourself
I was trying to play my dad’s game, not my own
We sacrifice the thing we want for the thing that’s supposed to get it
Success is a strange thing, presumably we want success because we think a more successful life will bring us more happiness, meaning and fulfillment. The problem is we sacrifice the thing we want – happiness – for the thing which is supposed to get it – success. Failure can make you miserable but I’m not sure the success will make you happy
The point of the game is to keep playing. The point of success is to do the things that make you successful and so if you’re doing the things that are making you successful then you are by definition winning
What I do will not matter in next 500 years and it takes a load off my shoulders at decision making
Trinity of successful traits:
1. Superiority complex – they are better than other people and they deserve more
2. Massive insecurity and feeling that they would never be enough
3. Impulse control
People look at Champions and try to find something that champion has that they don't have, but it's not that at all, they lack something everyone else has which is an off button, they just don't stop
What problem are we solving?
Accept all of your heroes are full of shit. Your Heroes aren't Gods. They're just regular people who probably got good at One Thing by neglecting literally everything else
The person who loves walking walks further than the person who loves the destination
Why should I care about what you’re gonna say if you’re not even gonna show up for my funeral
Most people are trying to find the perfect answer when they have no perspective from which to make a judgment, they're trying to find the perfect thing to do and they haven't done anything so how would you have perspective to make a judgment
You gain nothing from underestimating your opponent
There's only one way I know to beat people who copy you, get bigger. It's not by direct conflict but by making them shrink into irrelevance by comparison
More people stay poor because of their egos than get rich of them. The only way to maintain your ego is by believing that you’re a big fish in a little pond. To solve it, fight harder opponents
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