#1 Patrick Bet-David - Modern Wisdom Podcast
If you’re going to compete, you cannot expect people to sit and like everything that you’re doing.
People want you to do well, they just don’t want you to do better than them.
In front of you, there is an opposition. The enemy is behind you.
I have met the enemy. It is I.
If you're fueled by hate and distaste and fear and scarcity for long enough it becomes something that damages you more than it helps you win but it's unbelievably potent especially in times of “war”.
Your eyes tell a story.
The difference between the competitor and the enemy is that one is logic, and the other is emotion.
Continuing to rely on resentment and bitterness and the chip on your shoulder and enemies for too long becomes very toxic.
The same enemy that drives you when you're 22 years old should not be driving you at 32 years old or else you haven't matured.
Ultimately, the market will choose.
Dating culture is transactional today.
Am I chasing this thing because it's something which is valuable or am I chasing it simply because it's something that's difficult to get?
Are you obliged to have an opinion about everything?
A lot of people who work in the mainstream media are not free.
I would much rather have somebody who's 14 years old who's had a job and paid $1,000 in taxes vote; than a 28y old kid, who's never had a job, never paid taxes, I don't want that guy to vote.
Would you rather have a parent who pities you more than they believe in you?
Power is one of the biggest drugs.
The risk of love is worth it. It introduces you to a person you’ve not met before.
Use what you have, and a lot of people have more pain than they do pleasure. Don't use it for too long; 10, 15, 20 years, that's how you end up having a breakdown or some sort of dependency or addiction or vice, but it's potent so use it.
The formula I see with a lot of people that do something big is three things:
1. At one point in their lives, they experienced unconditional love.
2. You had somebody who brought unbelievable pain to your life.
3. and choosing your enemies wisely
Just because something is hard to obtain does not mean that it is valuable. Some things were hard to obtain so you presume that they were valuable, but you didn't realize that what's genuinely valuable are friendships and relationships and a comfort and a confidence in yourself and peace of mind and sanity and being able to positively impact the people around you.
You have worked so hard to be able to give your kids opportunities that you never had and yet you know that they need to go through the hardships and that these hardships are where the lessons are learnt.
When you're winning, you're not as good as you think you are. When you're losing, you're not as bad as you think you are.
When you're on the way up everyone roots for you because you remind them of their dreams, and when you're at the top everyone tries to tear you down because you remind them of what they gave up on.
The three most common traits of elite performers:
1. A crippling sense of insufficiency = I'm scared that I'm not enough
2. A superiority complex = I believe that I can do more
3. Maniacal focus = I have the impulse control to be able to keep me focused and keep me moving forward
Burden and responsibility are not sexy sales.
Do people love you for who you are or for what you do?
Do you love you for who you are or for what you do?
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Prezentowane na tej platformie treści, w tym m.in. transkrybowane cytaty, nie są naszą własnością. Wszelkie prawa i własność do opublikowanych treści należą do oficjalnych autorów i twórców odpowiednich kanałów YouTube i Spotify, z których pochodzą te treści. Materiał ten jest udostępniany wyłącznie w celach edukacyjnych. Nie rościmy sobie żadnych praw własności ani autorstwa tych treści i uznajemy, że pozostają one własnością intelektualną ich odpowiednich właścicieli.