#20 – Tim Kennedy – Shawn Ryan Show



You're in a weird moment in your life being like, you can fly drones, you know how to use ground penetrating radar, you can speak Spanish, you got deployments in South America. Do you want to hunt Nazis? And I was like “Yes, yes I do”

You're reliving as you're reading your own book the worst moments of your life. This is not a war story of here's all the awesome things I did. It's literally all the things that I failed at my whole entire life, failed title fights, failed as a teammate, failed as a Green Beret, like fail, fail, fail.

We were also a very Socratic household. My mom called us “living room lawyers.” We would sit down, my dad would pick a topic and we'd argue. He'd force you to pick a side and then you'd have to defend and argue that side whether you agreed with it or not

You can train tactics into young men, preparing for war, but putting the will to fight and that dog in somebody… some people have that and it's really hard to artificially train that

As we moved forward, I would sit there all night long with a thermal imager and I would splash rounds into every heated body on the battlefield and I did it every night for eight hours, couple hundred rounds a night

I know that every single person was made for a purpose and finding that purpose. And I've found my purpose and I know why I'm here. The mission statement of our company and everything that I do is tied back to preserving and protecting human life and enabling and empowering people to provide for their families and be able to expand Freedom

Tragic as that story is and is what a fucking complete disgrace our government is, like a complete incompetent fucking nightmare. The fact that a few veteran organizations were be able to come together and save 6 to 15,000 lives… You're more effective than the US government. I don't think people are hearing that you're more effective than the US government. I mean that's insane to me

The Kennedys were the safest place you could possibly be. You know, if you're in Mike Kennedy's house with Paula Kennedy – my parents – you're safe. And that projection of my parents and that essence of being a protector and a provider obviously heavily influenced me

This is who we are as men is we are protectors first and foremost of our family

For the next 15 years I was a force without purpose and a thing without direction which is a really dangerous thing – a young man without purpose

Hunting this unknown murderer that was the embodiment of evil. That is what evil really was and it wasn't until 9/11 that I saw what evil could be at scale. And so I wanted to hunt these type of serial killers, I wanted to hunt this type of evil because I thought it was the most evil thing that I could see, that could exist… And then I saw a girl in a polka dot dress, look out a window of a building that's on fire, that she went into early because she was a single mother, and she wanted to get off early so she could pick up her kids from school, and she's trying to make this decision about if she's going to jump to her death or burn alive, and her last act of conscious thought is to hold her dress down as she jumps to her death… And I wanted to kill everyone that had anything to do with that, that changed everything man

In our selection class [after 9/11] there was not a single quitter, there was not one voluntary withdrawal

Complacency kills. We know that in combat, and complacency kills in marriage, where you take things for granted about the person that you're with

There's no moral equivalency when you're trying to win a war. There's winning and there's losing, that's it

The cost of war – it's never the way that you want it to be, it's never the way that it is in the movies, it is horrible, it is young, it is pain. I don't want my son to ever have to shoot an 11-year-old kid, carrying a gun that doesn't even work. That's war… everything else is for the movies

There's a machine gun sticking out of this window, and I take a grenade, I throw this frag grenade through this window and what you want to hear is silence. All I hear is women and children start screaming. This guy had barricaded himself and surrounded himself with a bunch of women and children in this room

“How was it, coming home to your wife?” Broken. I was a broken dude. “How was she?” I didn't know her. It was eight months since I saw her, and in 8 months I did the worst things that a person can do to another person, and she didn't. She's at home, she's working every day, she's taking care of our shepherd, she's running marathons, and she's finishing her MBA, and so she's developing as a human and I'm developing in a totally different way

There's a fascinating study done by NASA and MIT. They took a bunch of kids – preschool – they started tracking them saying “which ones could problem solve at a genius level.” You give them a problem and you provide them with existing solutions. “Which ones could use the non-existing solutions to solve the same problem” and the long story short, the longer these kids were in school the less capable and less genius they ever were in problem solving. The final conclusion was – the longer these kids were in public school the dumber they got, the less critical thinking and problem solving were they capable of

We're supposed to inspire and supposed to give resources and if they fail, it's fine. If the kid fails, you will learn from that failure, and I don't need to have every kid passing in a session, I just need that kid to grow, I just need that child to evolve and to continue down this road of becoming a critical thinker

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#17 – Taylor Sheridan – Joe Rogan Experience