#17 – Taylor Sheridan – Joe Rogan Experience
“I was living in New York for 6 months, and I realized that for 6 months I hadn’t seen a star, and my foot hadn’t touched anything but concrete. People shouldn’t live like that. I didn’t want to live like that.”
“I spent the first 37 years of my life compromising. When I quit acting, I decided that I am going to tell my stories my way, period. If you don’t want me to tell them, fine. Give them back and I’ll find someone who does — or I won’t, and then I’ll read them in some freaking dinner theater. But I won’t compromise. There is no compromising.”
“There are lots of places where a way of life that existed for 150 years is slamming against a new way of life, but the challenges are completely different. There are a lot of places you can tell this story.”
“So if I’m parking 20 million people in front of a television, if I’m beating NFL Sunday Night Football routinely, I think the fact I wanted four cameras and worked late into Friday — I don’t think that’s a bad trade. My one rule with line producers and production people is: You don’t get to tell me ‘No,’ you get to tell me how much ‘Yes’ costs, and then I decide where to pull that money from.”
“I don’t want conflict in my own relationship, so I don’t like to explore that in stories. There’s extreme conflict in my stories, but there has to be something to strive for — you want to find beauty somewhere. Everyone has been in a bad relationship. Who wants to go through the PTSD of watching that? I’d rather watch the fantasy of the relationship we all want.”
“There's herds and there's packs. Herds are the prey animals, packs are the hunters. And the city feels full of herds, and the country feels full of packs”
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