#55 – Power of Decision Making – Tony Robbins
Give away free content, part of course, pamphlet
Organize paid event. 1:1 sessions, masterclasses, conferences
Help them, lift them up
What would you say to yourself when you were starting?
There is always art and science of every business.
Train people to get quicker to where you are
Don’t teach things that you’re not good at
Start posting things for people who are at the beginning of their journey
Dig a ditch niche
If you fight for your limitations, you will keep them
If we do well for ourselves, we do well for others
Put your oxygen mask on first
Make it about them, serve the person who needs you
How did you achieve your goal? What’s your story?
Story -> Teach -> Tool
1. Story [fear/happiness] – it’s a scene from your life that you want to use, not the whole life
2. What did you learn from your story?
3. Action to do with what you learnt
What are stories of your life that can set up your teaching points?
Schedule a free mastermind call with your stories and ideas as marketing and help the participants
When I don’t know what to do, I know what to do
Anticipation is the ultimate power
Repetition is the mother of mastery
Information without emotion is not retained
No failure as long as you learn
Patterns are the key
1. Cognitive mastery
2. Emotional mastery
If you don’t use your mind, your mind uses you
Your mind always tries to avoid failure
Resourceful people get resources
The ultimate resource is the emotion
I am scared but I will not stop
1. Pattern recognition
2. Pattern utilization
3. Pattern creation
Life is a decision between what we desire the most and what we are afraid of
You’re already going bankrupt so you may just as well try something new
Eliminate risk for you clients, reverse this risk and take all the risk onto yourself
- Ways to grow a business
1. Who is your ideal client?
2. What is your irresistible offer?
3. Give and over deliver
- Keys to build a brand
1. Understand the true power of brand – Brand = Identity
2. Identify and articulate your competitive advantage
3. Practice communicating congruently
4. Live it
5. Market it and overdeliver
Fall in love with your clients
You live life on your standards
Sometimes it’s scary when you have all the tools
I choose to daily make an extraordinary decision on the behalf of the person that I am becoming
There’s a calling for your life
No one can do it like You
Don’t be rude but be radical. Become unapologetic. Become non-negotiable
Quitting is not an option
Your ancestors were not quitters
Quitters never win. Winners never quit.
What changed? The conversation I had in my head.
You are working on the shoulders of those who went before you
Your ancestors are watching you.
When God gives you a vision, no one else has to see it but you
Today I make my life matter. Lay down at night and be proud of the person you were today
Are you willing to say to God: “Come on, use me”?
You need to make it uncomfortable to live the life of mediocrity.
There’s not one mountain that you can’t move
You can have public presence and private life
We create content for people to understand themselves more
Balance between empathy and authority. Put it into a story. We need our clients to see themselves in the story. Share your lessons. Make your audience the hero
People do business with people they know, like, and trust.
Transparent vs vulnerable
“you” frame of your stories
Your authenticity is your brand
If you don’t judge people, they trust you more
What is unique about you?
Practice over perfect
- Types of content
1. Credibility – advice story
2. Character – authentic you
3. Connection – honest, candid
4. Conversion – heart centered, serve others; make it feel natural
Marketing stamina – I can’t give up until I try everything
I can’t leave people who need
Marketing and sales solve problems. They are oxygen of every business
Enthusiasm and authenticity outweigh everything
People buy from you when they feel understood, not when they understand you
Most of the time your client is the previous version of you
Enter the conversations already going on in their heads, because that used to be your head
Think about the moment when you needed the training that you’re going to create
How do you convince people to buy? I care more
Talk to you from the past, not you now
I cannot wait to sell if I know it changes lives
You are a part of a ripple effect
Messy middle is also a great place to start
Under promise. Over-deliver
Clients need appreciation, encouragement, motivation, discipline, they need to be heard, they need to feel power of knowledge
Will the client keep being not satisfied, not developing? Will the client keep losing time on being stuck, the time that the client will never get back?
Objections: Tried too many times in the past. Too expensive. Not enough time. Too insecure
Client’s problems: lost, cynical, stuck, sad, undisciplined, their inner fire is dying out
The help you need the most is almost always found in the place you least want to look
The most important person to get advice from now is you 1 year in the future. Listen to this voice
1. Why does your ideal client need your product?
2. Why do they need your product right now?
3. Why should they learn from you instead of others?
4. What do they want? [ this you sell ]
5. What do they need? [ this you give ]
6. What objections can you overcome in advance?
7. What could they be a year from now without you?
If I play it safe, people who need me suffer
You can forget what happened, but you will not forget the emotions you felt then
Corn & Apples = products that you harvest this year & products that take years to develop
Your offer:
1. Network
2. Referral
3. Cold outreach
4. FB groups
5. IG
6. LinkedIn
7. Podcast
8. Affiliates
9. YT
10. Ads
Give people what they need or someone else will
Overdeliver for free so much that they ask, “what’s next?”
What else can you do to serve them?
Free -> Book -> Course -> Coaching / Workshops -> Mastermind
The value of your product is based on the results it gives
They are not paying for extra content, they pay for extra help
Share your happy experience with others, make the clients feel the same as you with your products / services
People don’t care if you look good on camera, people care if you help them
Success without fulfillment is the biggest form of failure
Hold nothing back. Don’t lie to your clients
Develop “do it yourself” product and “do it with me” product
Learn, Do, Review
Create cohorts of clients and consider separate group masterminds for each cohort
Work with few and charge more, and help more
If people don’t pay, they don’t pay attention
Don’t get addicted to learning. Get addicted to execution
Be selfish for you for 6 months, so you can be selfless for the rest of your life
What are you afraid of?
Sell the outcome and give people what they need
Go deep on the reason why you are doing it in the first place
What you sell and deliver are 2 different concepts
The world will ask you who you are and if you don’t know the answer, the world will tell you
- Top 5 Objections –
1. Time
2. Money
3. Spouse
4. Fear
5. Shame & self-doubt
[time] Tell me more about that. Why do you think you have no time?
[time] Don’t rush to solve it. Rush to serve it
You will need to ask them uncomfortable questions to stretch them out of their comfort zone
If you are not willing to do it, don’t aske them to do it
[money] You are more resourceful than your resources. Make a list of 50 extra ways you can earn more money
You cannot force your client to choose but you can guide them through the process
[spouse] The person with the most certainty wins the debate
[spouse] Ask for support, not permission. Thank for support when you win and when you lose
Your past failure is not a predictor of your success
How do you make your reason not to?
How do you make your reason to?
Your biggest objection is the exact reason why you should do it
You are a 4-minute mile for your clients [the Roger Bannister story]
You need to show-up as a person who you want to be
Progress stages:
1. Mindset
2. Design
3. Build
4. Launch
5. Scale
6. Expand
7. Value ladder
Your ‘why’ is not a logical list of reasons why you should do it. Your ‘why’ is a personal vision that can put tears in your eyes
Types of clients:
1. Cold market
2. Warm market
3. Hot market
Learn how to be interesting enough so that they are interested
Don’t fire hose your clients with solutions and offers
Make sure that people see that you are serious about connecting with them
Be in their head. Baby steps
Don’t quit on people who didn’t do the work
Stand on your story, but don’t be in your story
Your attitude and energy send energy to your clients
Confidence comes through consistency
Be the stimulus in your life
Posture = Sales Esteem = How confident are you about your product and competence?
1. Superior posture – navigate between the first two
2. Equal posture – navigate between the first two
3. Inferior posture – eliminate it
Buyer esteem:
1. Inferior mindset – they don’t believe they can get results that you offer
- Limitation of their belief, not ability
- Help them create goal that motivates them
2. Superior mindset – they believe they don’t need you
- Cost of doing it without you is TIME
- If you go alone, it’s painful
- Show them the edge that they will get by working with you
Most people’s primary belief is destroying them slowly but surely
- How to reverse your belief? Is it true of is it a story?
1. Awareness
2. Question & investigation
3. Turn negative into positive. Rewrite the truth
4. Declare it
Truth + physiology = transformation
Anchor a declaration in your body
Say to your old beliefs: “I don’t trust you”
What are the things that you’ve been putting off that you know you should do?
Change your story -> Change your life
If I can get through this motherfucker, I can get through everything
Sales is a transference of energy
- Sale structure –
1. Act 1 – Discovery – emotion
2. Act 2 – Present offer – clarity – Are we fit for each other?
3. Act 3 – Commitment – certainty
ACT 1 – emotion
Rapport = trust, foundation of connection
Match client’s energy
Create context for the conversation, tell the plan of what we’re doing
Your job is to listen. Ask questions to uncover information. Check if you’re a fit. Ask questions to get to the place of emotion
You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it
- Ask them –
1. What do you want? What are you looking for?
2. How would it feel if you got what you want?
3. What’s standing in your way?
4. You’re struggling with … . What happens if nothing changes? Are you willing to settle for that? Are you ready to change and become better?
Go deeper with your questions. Ask follow-ups
ACT 2 – clarity – remember not to lose rapport
Tell a story – I struggled with X, but I found Y that eneable me to do Z
Vulnerability connects
Share features of product in a conversational way, ask if they think they help
People don’t give a fuck about your fancy stuff. They give a fuck about what they want
Get Yeses
Ask the client: How do you feel about the idea: 1-10? What could make it a 10?
ACT 3 – certainty
It’s only awkward if you make it awkward
Double the price and sell it in front of a mirror for practice
Compare it to a story when you paid much more
Shut up. Don’t fire hose your client with information
Coach objections – what would make you say yes?
Payment processing – quick, professional, not awkward
Onboarding – overdeliver quick, take care of them
Buyer’s remorse – why is it the right decision for you?
Make the list of priorities in your business. What can you do in the next 7 days?
Burn the boats
Threshold of control – if you want to become someone else, you need to get out of your comfort zone
Everything in the world either grows or dies
Progress = happiness
What’s your next threshold?
Power of immersion coaching
Hope is not a strategy
Put it in a calendar before you prepare for it
Immersion events allow the quickest progress
Leader are readers
Everything you want in the future is the feeling that you had in the past
Write when and where you are going to do what you need to do [new habits]
Fear stops all progress
Aren’t you more afraid about your life if you do nothing to change it?
Anytime you get inspired, you must do something that cements that decision [enroll, schedule, call someone]
I though you were “the make things happen guy”
There’s always a way if you’re committed
Do you realize how important it is to stand guard to the door of your mind?
Find out what poor people read and don’t read it
No negotiation, just go
Life is too short to settle
- 5 Keys to get out of fear –
1. Feed and strengthen your mind – read for 30 minutes daily
2. Feed and strengthen your body
3. Find a role model
4. Proximity is power
5. Give more than you expect to receive
Zrzeczenie się Praw Własności i Klauzula Użycia Edukacyjnego
Prezentowane na tej platformie treści, w tym m.in. transkrybowane cytaty, nie są naszą własnością. Wszelkie prawa i własność do opublikowanych treści należą do oficjalnych autorów i twórców odpowiednich kanałów YouTube i Spotify, z których pochodzą te treści. Materiał ten jest udostępniany wyłącznie w celach edukacyjnych. Nie rościmy sobie żadnych praw własności ani autorstwa tych treści i uznajemy, że pozostają one własnością intelektualną ich odpowiednich właścicieli.