#4 Emma Stone & Bradley Cooper - Actors on Actors


They still wanna be around her, even though she makes them insane.

We were so in awe of what we were seeing, what you were doing. I was like in full body chills for an entire six minutes.

I thought, gosh, I've done so much work on believing I'm a conductor. That if I ever had the chance to play one, there's years and years of rehearsal inside of me.

When you believe you are something, it really, that's all we're trying to do anyway.

In the end, you just want a kind person. And someone that allows you to be yourself.

You’re sick talented. But that had to be a tremendous amount of work. - It was, but it was the most joyous work ever.

Poor Things Trailer

Maestro Trailer

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#23 – Eminem – Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson


#5 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar - The Thelma Ibsen Matter