#39 – Trillion Dollar Man Dan Pena – The Wolf of Wall Street Podcast
Nothing bothers me more than this whole idea that you as an individual are so sensitive, and so easily offended, and just destroyed by what someone else says about you, or thinks about you
I think that we should be sensitive. Tere's no reason you want to hurt people on purpose. Words, yes, they do have power, but one thing that I learned when I was a recovering drug addict is that so much of why people do drugs is to try to quiet the negative feelings, and you do that as a coping mechanism. So, one of the things they teach you at the rehab is – no one can make you feel a certain way
When you utter those words: “he made me feel like this, you make me feel so bad, you really hurt my feelings,” when you utter those words what you are doing is giving away your power as a human being. No one could make you feel any way that you don't want to feel
Someone says something to you, and they hurt your feelings. Really? Or did you allow their words to hurt your feelings? No one can make you feel bad, people could say things, and you can either allow them to not impact you in a very deep level, or you can allow someone else's words, someone else stupidity, someone else's limiting beliefs or pain impact your life and destroy you
You can't allow someone else's stupidity, and pain, and sharp tongue cut to you as a human being, or else you're gonna be living a really disempowered life where you are going up and down, and you feel based on your last interaction with people around you. If people are nice to you, you feel good. People say kind things to you, you feel good inside. If people say negative things to you, when they say hurtful things, you become hurt and disempowered. You have to be fucking tougher than that, because there are a lot of assholes in the world
The only time that people's words hurt me is when they come from people who I truly love and care about
I don't let the people I don't know, people I don't love, I don't let their words impact me on an emotional level, I don't care about them enough, the only people that could hurt me are those that I love
Over the years I’ve learned, and you need to learn it, is that even those that you love, and those that you care about, and know, and trust, they're gonna say stupid shit from time to time, they have their own inner demons too
When someone gets hurt really badly their gut reaction is: “I want to hurt the other person, so they feel just like me”
When people say negative, hurtful, terrible stuff to you, 99% of the times it’s because they are in that pain
In the real world, this is what happens, we allow other people's words, and other people's opinions about us, not only to hurt us, but taking it one step further, it starts the seed of a limiting belief about ourselves
You have a child and every day of this child's life by time he was old enough to talk, and maybe he remembers himself at 2 or 3, his mommy and his daddy looked at him and saying: “you'll never amount to anything, you're not worthy of unconditional love, you're not that smart, you're only gonna be average, everything you do is a screw up.” What do you think those kids feel inside every single day as adults? When they're out trying to succeed in the workplace, or in life in general, they have that belief in the pit of the stomach, their very core, that they're not worth it, they're not worthy of love, they'll never amount to anything. You take that kid and you project out 30 years in the future, only few between all that actually will succeed at a very high level, unless somewhere along the way they met someone like me or some other great mentors out there who will help these people overcome those limiting beliefs, quiet down those voices, and replace them with the absolute truth, which is that every human being out there including you is not only worthy of love, because you are, but you're capable of absolute fucking greatness
Beliefs get inserted in you by people who say things to you, by experiences that you have, by the things you observe
We don't typically try things that we don't think we're good at
There's a strategy for art. Yes, there are Van Gogh’s, there are naturally gifted Mozart’s, there are naturally Jordan Belfort’s for selling that never had to try to learn to sell. There are God-given gifts that allow you to perform instantly and amazingly at a particular task, yes, we get those, we get those gifts from God or nature. The point is that the rest of these things can all be learnt by strategy, by someone slowing the process down, and saying: “okay, you gonna draw a bowl of fruit, let me show you how, it starts by this…” and just like that you learn a step-by-step formula to complete this task and do it well. And then you start to practice that, and you practice that, and next thing you know, you're pretty damn freaking good at it
If you need to learn a certain skill to live an empowered life, what do you do? You fucking learn it. Almost everything out there that you need to possess in terms of a skill set is available to you by a mentor, or an online course, or by going to school, whatever that might be. The problem is that so many of you are going through life right now, and you're actually lacking the cornerstone skills that you need to succeed at the highest level, because you've been brainwashed into thinking that you just are who you are
We don't try things that we don't think we're capable of succeeding at
We don't try if we don't think we'll get the result. We say “why do all the work, what's the point?” Many times when you're thinking about taking action, you're thinking about going for it in life, whether it's starting a business, becoming a top producer, going out there and just meeting someone and falling in love again, you say to yourself what's the point, because when you project that out and your mind and your mind's eye runs that movie you say “I don't really see myself succeeding, so why do all the work, why put myself out there, why take the risk, why invest the money, why take out a loan, why go to school at night, why buy that course, why attend that seminar, why go out to a party and mingle with other people when it's never gonna amount to anything anyway?”
That's all based on beliefs of what you think you're capable of
The single most important skill is the ability to close the deal
Given the fact that our beliefs can literally undermine us and be the silent killers of success that literally stop us, impede us from getting what we want in life, from living life before at any moment it could end, how could you go through life now with one more second not trying to at least be the best you could be?
It's just a word
You have to be able to take criticism, and take things that you don't like, and just say I don't give a shit what they think, and you move on. Until you can do that, all of this talk about success and forward investment, it's all fucking nonsense, because I promise you'll get knocked down ten thousand times on the way. The world is not a safe fucking space, the world is not safe, the world is full of assholes
As long as you're willing to let those people dictate how you feel inside, you don't have much power, you gave up your own personal power by doing that
My next guest here on today's podcast you might not like, this man, he might offend you, you might not agree with everything he has to say. I don't agree with everything he says, but I respect him because he says what's on his mind and takes shit from nobody
People have been known to actually piss in their pants and actually shit themselves when they attend his seminars
You have 2 times and make a first impression. First is how you look. Second is when you open your mouth
Political correctness in my judgment is a manifestation of lack of self-esteem
Political correctness is because we want people to like us, we want to fit in, we don't want to stand out
The whole thing started going wrong when they said everyone should get a trophy. I don't think everyone should get a fucking trophy. There are winners and there are losers. You want to lose with grace and win with grace, but not everyone gets a fucking trophy
It has become the survival of the unfittest
I just spoke at university of Pennsylvania, arguably one of the better schools in the country, maybe the world, and when I ask the kids “how many kids in here consider themselves an alpha male,” nobody raises their hand. Nobody raises their hand, nobody, zero. I asked the same question every time, nobody raised their hand. I’ve been at Oxford, university of Pennsylvania, university of Toronto, you name it, and nobody raised their hand
-We have a test on my website, and we have a 98.5% failure rate, one of the questions is “what would you do if somebody spit in your wife's face?”
-I would beat the shit out of him is the only logical answer
-No, there's five potential answers, and that most used answer is “I would try to ascertain his state of mind when he spit in her face.” Nobody says pick up a fucking pipe and beat him to death. Nobody, nobody, and when I would say nobody, I mean nobody. So, we have 98.5% fail the test
Self-esteem is built in the first 7 or 8 years of life
I asked the kids “how many of you have been in a school fight.” 3 kids raise their hand out of 400. “How many of you got spanked?” 20, 30, 40 kids raise their hand. “How many of you have ever been yelled at?” 50 people out of 400 raise their hand. It's now socially unacceptable to whack your kids
The kids now don't want to be jolted, and they feel entitled and I say “Entitled to what” You haven't done a goddamn thing.”
I was strict, I made them accountable. The kids don't want to be held accountable now. If they miss a deadline, or they miss being to work on time, they got an excuse, they say traffic. Leave earlier you fucking moron
At my seminar and I’m not bragging about this, in the last two seminars, we had two guys pass out just from stress, fell over and hit their head on the floor from stress
You're fucking late, you're out, don't come back, you can't be late, you either early or don't come
I asked “how many of you have kids in the audience?” Half. I said “would you want your kids to grow up and be like you?” No hands go up. “Would you want your kids to grow up and be like your parents?” No hands go up. Then somebody raises their hand “yeah, I had a grandparent that fought in the second world war that I heard was a real hard-ass, I’d like to be like him, and I like my kids to be like him”
It's not IQ, it's initiative. I would rather have guy with a lower IQ, but a lot of initiative than the opposite
I'm a hammer closer, I’m not a finesse closer, I either beat you to death at the table or you leave
Focus on the few, not too many, be laser beam focused, and a thousand percent, total commitment and willing to make personal sacrifices
I had no plan B until I was 60 years old
Put your back to the fucking wall. Make the consequences of failure so dire, unthinkable, that you give yourself no choice but to succeed
There are life choices, and they have consequences. But there's no balance, you're either all-in, or you're not
How many hours a week did you work? 115-120. My partner told our children, and our children don't like hearing this “we used to have the security guard guards come in and drag your father out after four or five days living at his desk, bathing in the washroom, and having a secretary go get him clean underwear and clean shirts.” I lived in my office for 10 years straight. I’m still in for 50-60 hours a week, and I haven't had to work in 35 years. But if you're not doing something you, like it's a bitch
Success erases the rate of failure
He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, he had an old-fashioned wallet, and he dropped it on the floor, and then he put his foot on it and said “whenever I’m feeling short, I stand on my wallet”
You're not going to succeed the first time. Rarely do you succeed the first time, or even the fifth time, or even the 25th time
You can be tough and still be respectful to someone, I don't think the two are mutually exclusive
They called my office, and they said if we would consider me not speaking, or if he does speak, he should have personal security.
-You don't strike me as the type who needs it.
-No, I don’t. So, I showed up and I’m carrying a cricket bat, and I put the cricket bat down on the podium
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