#29 – You Can Start CLOSING More Deals Now – Andy Elliott



You should know the top 10 objections you got in your company. You should be fluently flowing your words like water. When somebody says “no”, you should be giving them five or ten reasons why they should say “yes” right now

People that were successful and always made a lot of money they had a process that got them there

I got a strategy to every way that I work

What's written will be retained. Make notes

Most people are planning for tomorrow, they're planning for their future, they want a big future. Or most people are stuck in their past and they can't seem to get out of it. Well, who the fuck is living present?

Your future can't be different if you just keep thinking about your future. I want you to think about today

This is what sales is, what we're doing is we're helping someone help themselves

I'm not selling anything and I don't want you to buy anything that doesn't help you help yourself

You guys want to take the client's gun and literally just empty the bullets right out of it. Your job is to help people help themselves

Clients can't make a decision because they forgot about their goals

At the end of the day I want to put myself in my client shoes

I hated who I used to be so I’m so excited and moved that now I get to help people, that now I get to create impact, that now I get to help people make decisions that normally they'd be frustrated with. Now I can make it easy regardless of money because I understand what they're going through and I understand the value that I’m going to bring them and I must let them understand that they're worth it and these problems can be fixed and now's the time to do it

You know how sometimes you're talking to your wife and she knows you're not listening. I feel like that's how customers feel when they talk to salespeople. They feel like that you're just waiting for them to finish their sentence so you can just say what you wanted to say and you're not even listening

I want to understand where they're at, I want to know what frustrates them, I want to feel the same pain that they feel so that I’m not fake and I’m not a fraud. I will execute this deal and if my product can help them, they'll know it and they'll say yes

You must put yourself in people's shoes

You're not having a record year, you had one year in your life, but you're not having one this year. You know why? Because you're running with the wrong people, because you're listening to the wrong people, because you're operating around the wrong things, because your head is physically a trash can – trash in, trash out

Your job is to understand how all people work

Do you want to study people in your space or study people outside of your space and bring new language into your space?

Who do you think the market is going to reward right now – people who are the same? No, people are unique, rare, different, people that stand out, people that can make connections

Master communicator is somebody that makes it easy to say “yes” to

Everything you say the answer is “yes”

Never say anything out of your mouth that leads to a “no” unless you want the “no”

Make it the client's idea every single time

We paint pictures, we tell stories, we sell ideas, and we sell situations

Do you guys like to be told what to do? No, you don't, and I don't like to be told what to do either, but I like someone to make it my idea. Use your word whether it is at home, you got to practice this everywhere, you got to make it people's idea, it has to be their idea, they have to want to do it, and they need to believe that they came up with it

Your income is probably about 20% of what it could be if you could learn to speak better

I don't ever want to hear any bullshit come out of your mouth again. I want you to talk and speak like you're a professional speaker, like you get paid to speak for a living, and 24/7 there is a camera following you around listening to everything that comes out of your mouth. I want everything that you say to anybody to change their life, whether it's you walking in the grocery store and saying “hi” to somebody and just telling them that they look amazing today. “Hey, I don't need anything from you, you look amazing, hope you have a blessed day.” Always bring value to other people

You sell with your heart, not your mouth. The minute somebody hears or feels or thinks that your heart's not involved, they're out

If you don't put your heart into it, you still won't make it

There's a close called “the avoidance close” in which people have no objection and they just say “we appreciate it, we're going to get back with you” and ‘I’ll get back with you’ is not overcoming an objection. They don't feel in their gut that you're the person that they should do it with or this isn't the right time

If you want to get rich, you got to make relationships

My wife said to me: “Go to work tomorrow, give a shit 10 times more than you gave a shit today and watch the outcome. And by the way, don't complain in this house because it makes it very hard for me to support a complainer. And I’m like “hey, she's right, I’m being a little bitch”

Everybody's the same but people deliver information differently

Just because you ran into some shitty people in life if that's going to make you stop trying, you're a fool. Your goal is to completely give all you got all the days of your life and understand that you are going to get taken advantage of, you're going to get played, people are going to rip you off, people are going to do these things, and it's just part of the journey of a big life

You must do it when there's no transaction

You guys need to practice on everybody you run into from now on. Everybody you run into, make sure that when you leave them, it's infectious and they don't want to leave you

People avoid talking about things they know that clients may bring up later to hope they'll forget about it. They ain't going to forget about it

Your job is to kill all their limiting beliefs before the close

I wouldn't buy anything that didn't benefit me

Most of the time the salesperson is more attached to the money than the client is

You can't be around people that play as little kids, that's why you got to be around people that are psycho

People are sick of people who don't know what they're doing. People hate salesmen because most of them suck

Closing is altering somebody's perspective

Help the customer with what they want and what they don't want

Every word that you say out of your mouth has to be taking people in the direction you want them to go

If you can get the customer to admit openly or speak about a problem, you're 99% more likely to get them to close

Your goal is to get someone to admit that they have a problem without it being a big deal

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#30 - Grant Cardone 1 - London Real


#27 – George Lucas – Founders Podcast