#28 – Supernova in the East 1 – Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
If Japan really lost the war, there should be no life in Japan. Everybody should be dead. The population of Japan would die to a man before surrendering. I sincerely believed that Japan would not surrender so long as any one Japanese remained alive. Conversely, if one Japanese were left alive, Japan could not have surrendered
Japanese are like everybody else, just more so
Japan was still a very distinctive culture, very committed to the “above and beyond the call of duty” ethic
Japan cannot stop these foreign barbarians from imposing their will on Japan, and they will. Everybody kind of comes in and “oh, I didn’t realize that Japan was open for business, so let’s throw some unequal treaties their way.” Then you see that Japan is on the road to become a colonial victim
In the Second World War, in the 1930s, Japanese troops would often be trained on live people. There are photos of Japanese soldiers bayoneting, in training exercises, Chinese prisoners whose hands are tied
Japan victory over China had heavy ramifications because it was an equivalent of throwing blood and chum into the shark infested colonial waters and telling the rest of the world that it was the beginning of the end of this Chinese dynasty
Lower ranking people, in some circumstances, have a right and maybe a responsibility to act insubordinate, and sometimes that can mean extreme sorts of behavior like killing people – some sources portray it as a societal safety valve. In the system shaped like a pyramid in terms of their power structure, how do the people at the bottom ever have a way to register their displeasure with something? The public can be very sympathetic to these people if they’ve done it for patriotic reasons
To the Japanese communism was extremely scary. They believed, they taught, and spread in their propaganda materials that they were these anti-communist warriors, and that so much of what they did was based on fighting communism. They would never get over this fear
If League of Nations doesn’t do what Japan wants, Japan leaves the league.
A big reason why so many countries were dragged into these conflicts were the colonies which were like steroids for each nation
“If we allow one more inch of our territory to be lost, or sovereign rights to be encroached upon, then we shall be guilty of committing an unpardonable crime against our Chinese race. Chinese sovereign rights cannot be sacrificed even at the expense of war, and once war has begun, there is no looking back.”
Japanese thought they would take Shanghai in 3 days, but it took them 3 months. Chinese lost more people in 3 months than the US lost in the entire World War 1
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