#23 – Eminem – Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson



Why did you become who you were? Why did I become who I was… well I wanna do this. I just loved hip-hop growing up as a kid. It just spoke to me more than any other music I had ever heard before

First I was a fan of the music, only later I started writing rhymes. I was like 12, 13, maybe, and it sucked, you know, I wasn't good but I had to keep practicing and practicing. I gave it up for a little while, then I started again, back when I was 15, and started being able to put songs together. I was never really good at much else, you know, so once I found out I was decent at something, I just kind of focused and just went for it

I never really got into rock and roll, or R&B, or blues, or anything. I listened to songs on the radio or whatever my mom was listening to in the car but once hip-hop came along, I just felt like “man, I just was all in”

15, 16 years old, I was afraid to go into any clubs or anything like that to say my raps because I felt like I wasn't good enough yet

It was an event in LA called “the rap olympics” and she put me on that team, I went out to LA and then started, got in that battle at the rap olympics, went all the way to the end, and lost again to the last dude. And I was super discouraged. I just got evicted from my house, had to break in through the back of the house, the dude we was paying rent to, he wasn't paying the rent with it

I had to break into the back cause I had nowhere to stay, so I had to break into the house through the back window, which was my old window, broke in, slept on the floor, got up the next day, went to the rap olympics, and the first prize was 500, and I needed that 500, man, and I lost. And I was fucking devastated, and then this kid – Dean Geisinger – walks up to me and he's like “yo man, you got one of those CDs?” and I was like “yeah” and I kind of just tossed it to him. I didn't think nothing of it. I didn't know that Dean worked with Jimmy Ivey, so he gave it to Jimmy, and he gave it to Dre

-You are like a god to me. Bro, you've done so much in your life man. It's just so crazy to be the heavyweight champion at 20 years old.

-Well, you're not chopped liver yourself.

I got a funny little story. So he's bringing his boxers, and we're probably like six months in, and he's bringing his boxers like every week, and I’m getting my ass whipped but at least I’m staying with him, I’m getting some good hits in. I feel a little bit good about myself. So one day, he comes over, and he brings his boxer and I’m in the house. And I remember I was on the phone or something so when I came out the dude that he brought had his head gear on and I’m like “oh, okay, I guess he's ready”, so I put my strap on my head gear. We're going at it and he kicked the shit out of me, fucked me up. So after we're done, we go like three rounds, I don't think I got one hit in. After three rounds he takes off his headgear and I said “man, how old are you?” He said 14. I was like “man, I fucking quit, I’m done

I feel like if you hit me, I would probably die

You can fight at any age. Fighting you can do forever if you have the desire to do it. Fighting's all about spirit

That's how I looked at it every time – if I hurt somebody and knocked them out, my life gets better

You almost have to give your happiness up to accomplish your goals

For me rap is like a 24/7 job, and it takes a lot of dedication, and you just stay sharp with the pen, and stuff like that, but it just takes different kind of discipline and the balls to get in the ring and fight

Just think about it. As human beings, what fighters do, we avoid all of our life getting into a fight. And that's what a guy does every day of his life, he fights every day of his life, and we avoid that shit. It's humiliating if you're not on the right side, and if you don't know how to fight and you still win, it's humiliating. You're gonna get hurt, so people avoid fighting. It's not normal, people are not supposed to fight, we're not structured to fight. Our hands are not developed for the fight. Even for boxers they break. That's what we have to wrap them up. Human beings are not designed to fight. We do it all, it's just part of our DNA to kill one another, it's just DNA, who we are. Part of any form of murder is a form of self-hate. When you're killing another person, you’re reflecting on yourself how you feel about yourself

Boxing's not a tough man's sport. A tough guy's gonna get hurt in boxing. He's gonna talk funny at the end of the day, no one's gonna understand him. This is a thinking man sport, only the smartest wins

We're vicious, ferocious, because of the fact that we've lost before, and we've been disappointed before, we don't want that feeling anymore

That's our biggest fear – to go back where we started

It's not about the money all the time. When you lose a fight and you get depressed, it's because of your competitive nature. And your competitive spirit is wounded. The reason that we started doing this was because we're not good enough. It goes in your mind “you're not good enough, you're better than me” and it fucking kills you

Growing up as a kid, and just feeling like I wasn't good enough for anything. Whatever I did, I just wasn't good enough, and it's a psychological thing. I think that for anybody who feels like I’m worthless, I’m nothing in this world, anybody who feels that and then finds something that they're actually good at, that's what makes somebody go for that so hard. You know… I was never good at nothing, I’m good at this

Most successful people that ever lived in history are megalomaniacs, but they got a low self-esteem. Those are the most successful people, they're always challenging that doubt

People also think that money just buys happiness, and it absolutely is not the truth. You got to be right inside, otherwise none of this shit means nothing

When I think about my accomplishments, that's probably the thing I’m the most proud of – being able to raise kids

Without struggle there's no progress

It's definitely important to keep your kids grounded

Success and fame. All that stuff comes from lifestyle

He inspired me to be better than what I was

He made me believe I was the best fighter the world has ever produced

In life that's not a good way to think, and fighting is great, but in life it is reckless. To be successful in one field is disastrous in another field. Like with you, you were great in rap but in life you were kind of shaking

I am a relapse specialist you know. I have to relapse even if I’m five years straight, then I relapse

I usually feel sorry for the people who are not nuts that are around you. If you're not crazy in this crazy world, I really feel sorry for you

How do we live in this world? How do we find our purpose? You're born and most of us are born in fucking bad situations, and then we say “wow, what's wrong with us, why are we here, why did they put us here?” Those people, they start saying “I’m garbage, I’m nothing.” Life is showing me that I’m nothing, and then you run into somebody who you think is sun, and he tells you great things about yourself, and then you think you're great because this great guy told you great things. And then the whole perspective of your confidence goes to another level

The reason why those people bother me is because they're jealous of you

That's the one thing you needed. One thing you needed in your life – to feel like you was special

He kept talking to me and gave me self-esteem, and then he made me want to be his watcher, if anybody said anything about him, I would kill them. He made me feel like something I never felt before

I'm not nervous. I’m scared. I’m scared because I’m a scary guy, because I’ve been picked on all my life, I’ve been abused all my life, people did anything they wanted to me. So I have natural fear of not being safe. That's who I am, naturally. It's in my life. That's who I am. So now I got it with this weird self-confidence and violence and stuff. So now I’m sadistic, because I’m afraid I’m gonna get hurt

I got credit for my punching speed, but it wasn't my punches, it wasn't my punching power, it was the accuracy and it was fast

If the guy doesn’t see the punch, those are the punches that knock you out

This might be my biggest interview right here

You're the only white guy that knows like to be a nigger

Everything in life is just always mapped out from that birth to our death

If we didn't have to do a video right now, I’d be sitting here probably asking like questions for another two hours

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