#19 – Codie Sanchez Speech 1*
They told us forever – buy local – that's how you make a difference. No, it's not. You make a difference by owning local
Five ways to get rich:
• inherit it
• marry into it
• get a fortune 500 position
• run an asset management firm
• build a company
Nobody else comes to save us
We're sitting here in this room and operating from a first-person perspective of us as the star of the show. You will never suffer from not enough cash flow when you make somebody else a hero and that's rule number one to making money in your business
You want to sell painkillers. A painkiller means that it is an acute need, it is a need not a should
If you think the next 12 years will replicate the last 12 years, you're out of your fucking mind
Build once, sell continuously
We humans like to think “I’m getting a deal” and because of that I’m going to give you my credit card month after month after month
It takes anywhere from 10 to 20 positive reviews to cancel one negative review
I hope that humans with a foundation like this, they actually make a real difference
It's easier to buy profits than it is to build them
Nobody wants to be a plumber, everybody wants to be a youtuber
The only real protest is you the humans who have profit, pushing that profit to things that matter
Can anybody save your way to billionaire? Haven't met him yet… We have to learn to earn, not learn to save. We were completely taught the opposite of what leads to real wealth
If you want a business that continues to make you money consistently, you have to know what's called your persona / avatar. The fastest way to get somebody to like you is for them to feel like you like them
Your step from zero to 1 million in your business should probably start by making this weird assumption that you might never get another client, what if the clients you have right now today are the only clients you're ever going to have
Most people have what I call a job, not a business
The biggest reason why somebody will buy is because somebody else says nice things about you
Only 12% of customers will ever leave you a review in your business and 93% of people read a review before they buy
The number one way to increase your revenue in your business and to decrease the pain in your business is to have a process for having other people to say nice things about you
I stand against this idea that the very big should continue to get bigger and we should thank them as we pay them. I don't like that idea very much
There are humans who hold up the world and there are humans who want to burn it down
When I buy a business, I have a couple different rules: I buy based on profits and realities today, not hopes and dreams tomorrow
When you go and buy a business realize you are always operating at an information disadvantage, just like if you go to the doctor and the doctor tries to diagnose you, you say you don't eat anything bad, you work out every day, you have no idea why you're obese it's just happening to you. The doctor is at an information disadvantage, you always know more, and it is the same with buying business
Zrzeczenie się Praw Własności i Klauzula Użycia Edukacyjnego
Prezentowane na tej platformie treści, w tym m.in. transkrybowane cytaty, nie są naszą własnością. Wszelkie prawa i własność do opublikowanych treści należą do oficjalnych autorów i twórców odpowiednich kanałów YouTube i Spotify, z których pochodzą te treści. Materiał ten jest udostępniany wyłącznie w celach edukacyjnych. Nie rościmy sobie żadnych praw własności ani autorstwa tych treści i uznajemy, że pozostają one własnością intelektualną ich odpowiednich właścicieli.