#18 – Codie Sanchez – Dropping Bombs Podcast



Most people have a job and they do not actually know how they make money for the company. You want to get a raise but you don't actually know what the revenue or value is that you drive to a business, you don't know what you're worth, and yet you spend all day doing a thing. I think that's wild

I don't think everybody should be an entrepreneur, I think it's hard, I wasn't clever enough to start a business from scratch, I had to buy them because I didn't have a brilliant idea for a startup

I'm not an anti-capitalist at all, I'm a super capitalist, just a little bit of an anti-monopolist. I think we should have lots of people own things as opposed to a few

I'm always like who, not how. I don't have time to figure out how on everything. I don't have time to figure out how on building a training platform so I use somebody else's. I find a who, not a how, which I think is smart and your who for doing deals is pretty simple: you need an accountant, you need an attorney, and then you need a subject matter expert on the industry

I think it's never been easier to start a small business, but it's never been harder to have a profitable small business. A lot of people are out there starting businesses, when instead they should be looking to buy the ones that already exist

Ownership is the key to Freedom

The hardest things to offload is your genius

I don't want to own small businesses everywhere, I want more people to own them

In my opinion MBAs today are pretty much useless

I buy dreams not realities and I buy nice houses not fixer upers

There are three levels to freedom and I think the most important one is critical thinking can we think for ourselves and can you actually have the space to think critically and also say opinions that might not be very popular which I think is crucial to a free market and free humans

We get people financially free, if we can get them financially free, then we can get them physically free

Two questions when we interview that I think are really critical that I got from a consultant of mine now the questions are: Is this person born for this job? and Would I be scared if they went to a competitor?

I do think the things we say about ourselves matter. The things we say tend to become reality

You actually don't want another visionary or another strategist you want an executor

I don't start businesses, I buy them. I don't train people from the ground up, I hire him from somebody who's already done it

Corporate America is an incredible place to start because they can afford to train people like crazy. When I started at Vanguard, they said that the average employee at Vanguard they spent $100,000 in training on, so instead of me paying for $100,000 MBA, Vanguard paid for one for me. They didn't pay me much money but they paid me in learning and that was incredibly valuable

You need four things: good content which is on the video or it is the video, then you need repetition, practice, and accountability, and without those four things you're not training them, you're exposing

The most valuable return on investment is going to be training

If we don't understand money, somebody else is going to understand it for us

One of the hacks to being a better leader is hiring people who are better than you categorically at some of the things you need to do

Our company you're not allowed to put on my corporate credit cards any big corporate chains, you go to Starbucks you pay for it yourself, you go to a small coffee shop like I'll pay for it

If you want real fucking money, acquisitions is where real fuck you money happens. The smartest guys and gals out there eventually want to buy something they don't want to build it every time

There's something really fond about doing deals. Once you learn how to buy businesses and do deals, you become a junkie if you get good at it

You never lose money learning, it's not in the education you lose money, it's in the implementation, in the execution of it

I think the best thing any human can do is be a curator to the things that go inside their mind, and this is a good place to start with

If you put a bunch of processed food fast food and garbage in your body you're probably going to become sick. If you put a bunch of trash ideas, trash content, no learnings, Tik Toks, inside of your brain I think you're eventually going to become sick too and I think we're seeing that societally overall right now

I go in there and I go where we can automate, delegate, and outsource. Where can we operationalize the business in a more intelligent way, where can we cut costs, and where can we increase sales, and those are the four legs of the stool

Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior

I always remind myself it's not why won't this work for me, it's how could it

I think people don't know how people are scared about ownership because we've taught people just how to be employees for years. We haven't taught people how to be owners

A lot of people assume you know 10 million a year, Lambos and Yachts, when in reality it's not, it's spreadsheets and brain damage. The average employee thinks that a small business makes 37% margin a year, the average small business makes 6% margin a year, Walmart 3%

Zrzeczenie się Praw Własności i Klauzula Użycia Edukacyjnego

Prezentowane na tej platformie treści, w tym m.in. transkrybowane cytaty, nie są naszą własnością. Wszelkie prawa i własność do opublikowanych treści należą do oficjalnych autorów i twórców odpowiednich kanałów YouTube i Spotify, z których pochodzą te treści. Materiał ten jest udostępniany wyłącznie w celach edukacyjnych. Nie rościmy sobie żadnych praw własności ani autorstwa tych treści i uznajemy, że pozostają one własnością intelektualną ich odpowiednich właścicieli.


#11 Pixar on Creativity & Leadership - Ed Catmull - Rich Roll Podcast


#19 – Codie Sanchez Speech 1*