#16 The Luckiest Man In The World On D-Day – Papa Jake Larson – Jocko Podcast


June 6, 1944: D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion in history, with over 7,000 ships and nearly 350,000 personnel.

Allied forces faced heavy casualties, including over 10,000, with 4,414 killed in action.

Papa Jake Larson, a veteran who fought from D-Day to the Battle of the Bulge, reflects on his experiences.

Larson joined the National Guard at 15, witnessed Pearl Harbor's impact, and served in various infantry units.

His book, "The Luckiest Man in the World," recounts his upbringing on a farm, family dynamics, and harrowing experiences during World War II.

The episode discusses the events of D-Day, highlighting the massive scale of the operation involving almost 7,000 ships and over 350,000 personnel, resulting in significant casualties.

The focus shifts to personal accounts, particularly Papa Jake Larson's experience during D-Day, emphasizing the challenges and dangers faced by soldiers during the invasion.

Papa Jake Larson recounts his upbringing, including anecdotes about his family making moonshine and his experience with education and typing skills.

The narrative delves into Larson's military service, including his role in various battles and his fortunate survival through close encounters with enemy fire.

The episode concludes with reflections on the sacrifices made by soldiers like Larson during World War II and gratitude for their service.

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#17 – Taylor Sheridan – Joe Rogan Experience


#15 Cat Bradley - Keep Hammering – Cam Hanes Podcast