#14 Tulsi Gabbard – Keep Hammering – Cam Hanes Podcast


• The conversation captures an interaction between Tulsi Gabbard and the host discussing various topics.

• Gabbard reflects on her experiences in politics, emphasizing her commitment to serving people and making a difference, starting from a young age.

• She highlights her approach to politics, which focuses on being genuine, challenging the status quo, and staying connected to the needs of ordinary citizens.

• Despite facing skepticism and age-related criticism early in her political career, Gabbard's determination and sense of purpose drove her to pursue public office and advocate for change.


In my own personal life, I continue to try to challenge myself and to do things I've never done before

I think that's so much of what's wrong with that place is that you've got a lot of people who feel more comfortable in Washington with the lobbyists and the reporters, those who live and breathe and thrive in that political bubble, but they are completely out of touch with the real lives of people across the country

The kind of leadership that we need in this country should be defined by – Are you waking up every single day excited and passionate about going and taking care of the people of this country?

Don't talk about change, be the change

The common thread throughout my life is – how and where can I best be of service

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#11 Pixar on Creativity & Leadership - Ed Catmull - Rich Roll Podcast


#17 – Taylor Sheridan – Joe Rogan Experience