#13 Ed Mylett – Set Yourself Up For Success – Jay Shetty Podcast
I love being around confident people, but they have these high doses of humility which keep them humble. It causes them to still want to learn and grow, they don't think they know everything. Those people last the longest in business and in any endeavor
What we're both trying to develop is peace in the storm. It's equinity in the imbalance
In life we move towards really what we're most familiar with, we keep moving back to the familiar. That's why some people will date the completely same person in a different body
Everyone already has subconscious anchors that we're not choosing
The quality of our life is the quality of our emotions
When you see an angry person, you're seeing a scared person
You don't want the mansion, you want how you think it'll make you feel, you don't want the relationship, you want how you think it'll make you feel, you don't want to be fit and sexy and jacked, you want how you think it'll make you feel
What I’ve really learned to do is to choose things in my life that both are productive but that also give me a sense of contribution and joy
You are always making people feel something
I don't always believe in my ability or my talent, that's fleeting, or what happens when a speech goes bad, or a meeting goes bad, or a company goes bad, I don't want to predicate my confidence on that, I predicate it on my intentions
I love to just share the things that are negative about me because I think it gives people hope. If this guy as screwed up as he is can win, maybe I got some hope too
You never know what someone's carrying, you don't know the burden they're carrying
What do you do when you feel everyone around you is bringing you toxicity, negativity, and poor energy? How do you operate? I reduce proximity to them in those moments and sometimes they are the weeds that needed to be weeded out of your garden. That's the most difficult decision but sometimes it's not weeding them out, it's reducing proximity, and then I’ve created some havens that I can go to escape that for a few minutes, and some of those are actually people. I’ve got two or three people in my life that when these other people are losing it and act in a toxic way, or act out or are antagonistic towards me, I’ve got another person or two that I can go to, that shifts my state, that is my rock
When some people walk into a room, they adapt to the energy in the room. Greatness is walking into a room and shifting the energy
I think great people are good at challenging other people
You have to make deposits into people before you can make withdrawals
It's very difficult in life to transfer to somebody that which you're not experiencing
I learned from my dad that a lot of my confidence comes from the fact that I deserve to win, and I deserve to win because I'm working my tail off
I don't buy into a 24-hour day, that's an archaic time frame
Too many people schedule 1-hour long meetings. If we're going to be tactical, most meetings don't need to be an hour, but we schedule them an hour because everybody's always done that
I like to load up my Mondays and Tuesdays with heavy things early in my week, and I like the later part of my week to be a little bit more peaceful and joyous
Most success, productivity, and joyfulness are intentionally designed in order to create an experience
I've watched a lot of people climb to a point, and when they get to that point, they didn't create new structures around them to support the next level. Every level you climb requires a different type of energy and structure. So some things that I'm doing right now, I know maybe four or five years from now, I'm going to have to re-evaluate those, that'll change with the conditions of my life
Sentimental holding on to things that got you where you are won't get you where you're going
If right now you're getting 72 degrees of your believe in yourself, at 72 degrees of wealth or abundance or productivity, and you've started to heat it up to 85 90 100°, you subconsciously turn the air conditioner on of your life to cool it back down to what you really believe you're worthy of and you deserve. So the deep work is you got to raise that identity of what you believe your worth is to 85 90 100°. How do you do that? Typically, proximity to people who live at that thermostat setting, they will heat you up to theirs
One thing about procrastination is that you've developed a false belief system in yourself of what you need to know to take action. Successful people are willing to step into the unknown and be unprepared more than people who are unsuccessful. I don't need to know everything to take action, I just need to know enough to get in the room and I’ll figure it out from there
Those subtle subconscious air conditioners of our lives that cool down show up as coincidences, but really they're not, they're by design, because you're going to cool your life back to what you believe you deserve
The identity should be deeply rooted in who you are, not just what you do
I'm not afraid anymore that I'm going to lose momentum, I can say no to something, I can rest, I can recharge, I can reflect, and it doesn't mean I'm going to lose momentum
3Ds: doubt, discouragement, delusion
I want you to always link your confidence to your intentions, not your abilities. And you validate your intention with your action. You haven't made a decision unless you've taken an action to validate it
In life we're most qualified to help the person we used to be
When something is scarce it's more valuable. When your time becomes more scarce, it becomes more valuable
My dad's drinking – it wasn't just that I was worried “is he going to get in a fight”, “is he going to be mean”, or “are mom and dad going to have a disagreement”. What happened was – I worried about my dad, “is he going to come home tonight”, “is he safe”, is he in danger”, and that wired into me as a little boy the neurology pattern of worry and fear. So as I’ve gotten to be an older grown man, I’ve uncovered that I have a pattern where I have a tendency – my emotional home – to go back to worry and fear. And I don't want to, I don't want to live that way, and so I’ve been working on unwiring that. We all have an emotional home. We all have three or four emotions that no matter what happens in a given week or month we're going to get back to. So if your emotional home is anger, or worry, or fear, frustration, no matter what the external conditions are, you're going to find a way to get your hit of it, because it's your home
I used to brag a lot, I am unbelievable under stress, I operate amazingly under chaos, which is true because I'm so familiar with it, but what I found out about myself was to some extent I created a lot of it
As long as the external conditions of your life continually dictate how you feel you're an out-of-control human being
The difference between time management and energy management
If you see a weed in your garden, and you start hating the whole garden that doesn't make any sense, you just go and pluck that weed out
When you don't address someone's behavior that's toxic towards, you you're not operating in truth
We've all had that day where we go “man… I’ve got more done by 8 AM than I’ve done in a week”. That should be every day
Successful people walk a little faster, they're in a little bit more of a hurry, they talk a little faster, there's a rhythm, and a pace, and an intensity
I used to have a very long morning routine: cold plunge, meditate, pray, gratitude ritual, stretch… The thing got so long that I'm like “my gosh… I'm two hours into a routine here… I got to get to work. I got to get some stuff done”
I have experience in burnout, and ruining relationships, and messing things up, and here's what I’ve learned: I want all the things I want, but I don't have to have them right now
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